Type alias NftSetCreateInput

NftSetCreateInput: {
    attributes?: InputMaybe<Scalars["JSONObject"]>;
    fileIds?: InputMaybe<InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>[]>;
    metadata?: InputMaybe<Scalars["JSONObject"]>;
    tags?: InputMaybe<InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>[]>;
    title: Scalars["String"];

The input to create an NFTSet.

Type declaration

  • Optional attributes?: InputMaybe<Scalars["JSONObject"]>

    A mapping of attributes for this resource. These will be stored in the Niftory API but will not be added to the blockchain.

  • Optional fileIds?: InputMaybe<InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>[]>

    The list of ids of the uploaded metadata File. This can be created using createFileUploadUrl.

  • Optional metadata?: InputMaybe<Scalars["JSONObject"]>

    Metadata that will be added to the blockchain

  • Optional tags?: InputMaybe<InputMaybe<Scalars["String"]>[]>

    String labels to tag this NFTSet with. These will be stored in the Niftory API but will not be added to the blockchain.

  • title: Scalars["String"]

    The user-friendly title for this model.

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